Nika Melia says people on Rustaveli Ave are building a state. This will not stop until new democratic forces are in power and elections are announced.  


**New State Being Built**

People are coming together to build new state . This is the main goal, said , leader of the “Coalition for Change”. Other things, like sanctions from other countries, are not as important now.

**Stronger Connections Needed**

Melia believes that the people building this new state are different from those in the past. They are showing that are not lazy or undisciplined, but rather capable and ambitious. This is a time for change and progress.

**No More Weak Bricks**

Previous have made some progress, but it was not strong enough. Now, people are working together to build something that will last long after they’ gone.

**Sanctions Won’t Stop Progress**

Melia mentioned the sanctions imposed on certain individuals by other countries. However, he said these sanctions won’t stop the progress being made in Georgia. They will only be lifted once new democratic forces come to power and hold elections.

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