Official: Students who fail the military exam or refuse to swear cannot continue in higher education  


**Ukrainian Must Pass Military Training Stay in School**

A new law in means that students must pass a basic military training exam or swear the military oath to continue their studies. This was announced by Deputy Minister Melnyk 18.

The law requires all students, both men and women, between the ages of 18 and 25 to complete 90 hours of theoretical study and 210 hours of practical training. The practical course is only mandatory for men. After completing the training, students will take a military oath, receive a certificate, and gain a military specialization.

**No Exceptions**

Melnyk emphasized that passing the exam or taking the oath is compulsory. If a student fails to pass the exam or refuses to take the oath, they will not be allowed to continue their studies in higher education institutions. This new rule applies to all students who want to study at .


The law was approved by President Volodymyr and reflects changes in Ukraine’ educational system since Russia’s full-scale invasion. To combat draft evasion, the Ukrainian government has amended enrollment policies and introduced drone education programs in schools. Starting from 2024, a pilot program was launched to update the Defense of Ukraine subject, which will become mandatory in 2027.

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