**Public Defender Warns Against New Legislative Amendments**
The Public Defender of Georgia has spoken out against new legislative amendments proposed by the ruling party, Georgian Dream. The Public Defender says these changes could harm fundamental rights like freedom of assembly and expression.
According to the Public Defender, the amendments affect important laws such as those on assemblies, administrative offenses, and the police. The changes include stricter rules for protests and demonstrations, increased fines for certain crimes, and harsher punishments for verbal insults against state officials.
**Concerns Over Fundamental Rights**
The Public Defender is concerned that these legislative changes could lead to disproportionate restrictions on fundamental rights like assembly, expression, and fair trial. The expedited review process, which allows the amendments to be voted on quickly without much discussion, also raises concerns.
The Public Defender has called on Parliament not to speed through the legislative package and instead hold proper discussions in line with Georgian parliamentary regulations.
**Key Changes Proposed**
Some of the key changes proposed include:
* Stricter rules for protests and demonstrations, including limitations on gathering locations and attributes.
* Increased fines and punishments for crimes like petty hooliganism, vandalism, and insulting police officers.
* Harsher penalties for attacks on police officers, government representatives, and their family members.
**Concerns Over Transparency**
The Public Defender has expressed concerns that the expedited review process excludes interested parties from participating in the legislative process. This lack of transparency and public discussion undermines both the legislative process and constitutional rights.
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