On the day of voting a number of laws will be in effect. In accordance with the “Election Code”, it is forbidden to conduct pre-election campaigns in the voting building. It is forbidden to place campaign materials within 25 meters from the entrance of the polling station. The material mentioned is subject to removal and dismantling.
On the day of the election, it is prohibited to physically obstruct a voter’s movement within the voting building or 100 meters away from the voting facility. It is also prohibited to register voters or gather people within 100 meters of a polling station.
It is prohibited to challenge, or change the representative of a member the Precinct Election Commission.
It is illegal to broadcast or place paid and free pre-election ads, programs on election topics on television and radio as well as make automated phone calls or send short text messages in relation to elections within 8 hours of the voting day and up until 20:00.
It is prohibited to publish the results from public opinion polls relating to the elections before 20:00 on election day, except the number of potential participants and the number who actually participate in the election.
It is prohibited to take pictures or videos inside the voting booth in order to maintain the secrecy surrounding the voting process.
During voting, it’s forbidden to lock up the polling station or interrupt the voting unless it’s impossible to guarantee universality, equality, and the free expression of the voters’ will.
Officials of the CEC are prohibited from making any statements about the preliminary election results if they are not published correctly on the CEC website.
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