OSCE/ODIHR condemns excessive force by police during protests in Georgia  


OSCE Condemns Action Georgia

The OSCE Office for Institutions and has expressed its concern over the actions of officials during in Tbilisi, Georgia. On 30, the office issued a statement saying that police used excessive force to disperse peaceful protesters.

, , and batons were used against , which led to many people being injured or detained. The OSCE noted that most of the protesters were peaceful, but police still used disproportionate force against them.

The right to hold peaceful protests is a fundamental freedom in democratic societies, according to the OSCE. All member states have committed to ensuring this right and to only using force when necessary.

The OSCE stressed that law enforcement officials must follow the law and use proportionate force only when needed. They should not use excessive force against protesters who are acting peacefully.

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