Picula plans to visit Belgrade for the first time and include protests in his report on Serbia  


**European to Publish Serbia**

The European Parliament’s draft annual report on Serbia will be released on February 20. The meeting of the EP Committee on Foreign Affairs (AFET) Brussels will present the report.

**Report Includes Student and Expulsions**

In addition to an update on Serbia’s EU membership bid, the report will also cover student protests and how the reacted to them. It will also mention Serbians who were kicked out of the country for supporting the student protests. The protesters are of Croatia and other European countries.

**Next Steps in Brussels**

After the draft report is presented, other groups in the EP will review it and add their comments. This will be done at later meeting of AFET. Once this process is complete, the report will become an official proposal to be voted on by all members of the EP in May or June.

**Rapporteur’s Visit to Serbia**

Tonino Picula, the EP rapporteur for Serbia, and his team are planning their first visit to Serbia from February 23 to 26. This trip is expected to give them a better understanding of the situation on the ground.

**Meetings in Belgrade**

During his visit, Picula will hold separate meetings with ruling MPs and opposition MPs at the on Tuesday, February 25. These meetings were requested by the EU delegation in Belgrade.

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