Pikria Chikhradze, the order of the Minister for Education concerning the introduction of an officer of personal data protection in the structure of the schools, serves to further the terror wave that has started in the country  


New Rules for Cause Concern in Georgia

A new order from the Minister of has sparked worry among some people. The order requires schools appoint a personal data officer.

Pikria Chikhradze, a leader of the coalition Strong Georgia, said this move is not about protecting people’ information. She thinks it’s part of a larger effort by the government to control citizens.

Chikhradze believes that instead of making education better, the government is creating new ways to monitor what people do. She pointed out that this is similar to previous attempts by the party to introduce stricter controls on media and .

The Minister of Education, Science, and Youth, Aleksandre Tsuladze, introduced the change by amending old order from 2006. According to the new rules, each school will choose a person to be in charge of protecting students’ personal data.

Chikhradze thinks this is part of a broader effort by the government to control people’s lives. She said that the government is already monitoring citizens with cameras and other tools. She believes that the only way to stop this is to have new elections and bring in a more government.

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