PM Condemns Ultimatum Language Regarding Namakhvani HPP, Calls for Respectful Dialogue 


Prime Minister has stated that speaking in the language of an ultimatum is unacceptable for citizens. He made this statement in response to ongoing protests against the construction of Namakhvani HPP.

Garibashvili emphasized that the state will take appropriate action against anyone who violates the . He also mentioned that the has made efforts to provide citizens with information about the project and has offered a dialogue format. The Special Representative has been invited to examine the project in detail, and the has been instructed to review its compliance with .

The Prime Minister also stated that he will personally meet with the owner of the investor company at the end of the month to ensure that there are no contradictions in the agreement.

Garibashvili strongly condemned the use of ultimatums in the protests, stating that it is reminiscent of the dark 90s. He urged citizens to refrain from using such language and to engage in constructive dialogue instead.

After 208 days of protests in the Rioni Gorge and rallies in , activists have now moved their protest to . Activist Varlam Goletiani addressed the on Republic Square, stating that the battle against the construction of Namakhvani HPP has just begun and they are prepared for a long-term struggle.

The has also offered to meet with opponents of the project in an effort to find a resolution. However, the activists have stated that they are ready to continue their fight until the project is completely stopped.

The construction of Namakhvani HPP has been a controversial issue, with many environmental and social concerns raised by activists and local communities. The government has assured that all necessary measures will be taken to address these concerns, but the protests continue. 

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