“PM Kobakhidze Addresses U.S. Sanctions, Opposition, Elections, and Possible Apology for August War” 


On September 18, Irakli Kobakhidze held a press conference where he discussed various topics such as the recent U.S. sanctions, Dream’s stance on restoring territorial integrity, the presidentially-brokered coalition between parties Lelo and Gakharia For , upcoming , and .

During the conference, the Prime Minister was asked to comment on the U.S. financial sanctions and visa restrictions imposed on 64 Georgian individuals, including two senior officials, for undermining Georgian . He also spoke about his meeting with Robin Dunnigan following the sanctions.

Kobakhidze expressed his disappointment with the sanctions, stating that they do not help in resetting relations between the U.S. and Georgia. He also mentioned that relations have been strained over the past four years, particularly because of the former U.S. Ambassador. He emphasized the importance of resetting relations with the U.S., but stated that it requires a fair and healthy approach.

The Prime Minister also expressed his concern about the sanctions being imposed on high-ranking policemen and individuals who fought in the August war, calling it an extreme insult to the state. He made it clear that such actions are unacceptable and could lead to a revision of certain positions. He urged everyone to act rationally and justly in order to benefit Georgian-American relations.

Kobakhidze also suggested that the decision to impose sanctions was made without the knowledge or approval of the U.S. , Joe Biden. He stated that the decision was a result of oligarchic problems in the U.S. and that Biden is not aware of it.

The Prime Minister also addressed Ambassador Dunnigan’s statement about the Georgian spreading anti-Western disinformation. He dismissed the statement, stating that it was unjust and a result of the current problems in the U.S.

In conclusion, Kobakhidze expressed his hope that the recent sanctions would be the last decision aimed at destroying Georgian-American relations. He thanked Ambassador Dunnigan for her constructive attitude, but stated that it was not enough to make sound decisions. 

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