**Poland Boosts Emergency Preparations**
Tensions are rising in Ukraine, and Poland is getting ready. The Polish government has a new plan to protect people and important cultural sites in case of war or natural disasters.
The government’s Interior Ministry said it will finish the plans for evacuations within three months. This comes after a law was passed on January 1st that helps keep citizens safe from floods and other threats. Russia’s actions in Ukraine were also a reason for this new law.
**New Rules for Emergency Situations**
These new rules will tell people who is responsible for helping citizens leave their homes safely during emergencies. They will also protect Poland’s famous art and cultural treasures. The government promises to spend at least 0.3% of the country’s total money on making evacuation plans better.
The government wants to make sure Poland can handle both natural disasters like floods, and man-made threats like war. This is a trend in Eastern Europe where countries are preparing for emergencies as the war between Russia and Ukraine changes the way people feel about security.
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