Polish media reports that France and Poland will discuss the deployment of European troops in Ukraine  


**French President to Meet About European Peacekeeping Mission**

is set to visit on December 12th. He will meet with Polish leaders to discuss a potential European peacekeeping mission for Ukraine.

**European Allies Discuss Troop Deployment**

There have been talks among European allies about deploying troops to Ukraine since early . These discussions were revived after the presidential election in November. President Macron proposed a European peacekeeping mission earlier this year, and Ukraine has been urging its allies to consider sending foreign troops.

**France Wants to Contribute to Peace Efforts**

Camille Gran, a former deputy secretary-general of NATO, said that France is willing to contribute financially and take risks to protect Ukrainian sovereignty. The French proposal involves a peacekeeping mission that would ensure does not violate a potential ceasefire.

**Poland Plays Important Role**

Poland’s growing military power and location make it an important part of the plan. Gran said that involving more countries in the peacekeeping mission would reduce the likelihood of Russia launching another on Ukraine.

**Not All NATO Countries Support Troop Deployment**

Several NATO countries, including Poland, the US, Germany, Czech Republic, , and the , have rejected the idea of sending troops to Ukraine. However, there are ongoing discussions between France and the UK about defense cooperation, particularly regarding Ukraine’s security.

Read More @ euromaidanpress.com

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