Prime Minister: Saakashvili and his team, which includes Khazaradze and Gakharia as well as Gvaramia and Gvaramia who are not only stateless but also foreign agents, are unsuitable to Georgian culture and dignity.  


We will only travel to Europe with prosperity. Our opponents try to convince the public that Georgia will only become a wealthy country after it is accepted into the European Union. In reality, Georgia can only be accepted into the European Union after it becomes a wealthy country, said Prime Minister Irakli during his speech at Tbilisi’s final event of the campaign.
According to him, “Georgian Dream”, during the past twelve years, had impressive results in that direction.
“We have increased the economy of Georgia, from 28 billion GEL to over 90 billion GEL. The economy has tripled since our government took office. We have reduced unemployment from 2012 to half, and we have increased average salaries from 712.5 GEL to 2,000 GEL. Poverty is now almost 3 times lower than it was in 2012, after we helped 680,000 people get out of poverty.
According to our plan in the next four years, the economy will reach 130 billion GEL. The of the country will surpass 40 billion GEL. We will create 200,000 jobs. The average salary will be 3,500 GEL. And the poverty rate will drop below 4 percent.
In the last 12 years, 800 new enterprises have been created with the help of the state. With our support, we will create hundreds of new businesses over the next four years.
We have increased the pace of construction by several times. It is often said that the previous government only built 68 kilometers of highway. In the last 12 years, we have built 34 km of highway and 22 km of tunnels and bridges. We have built 300 kilometers of highways in total. The rapid of the nation will continue along this path.
In the next four years, the production will double in Georgia. This is important for the energy security of the country. Agriculture, , and other sectors will continue to grow. The regions will continue to develop. Tbilisi is to be further developed and beautified.
In a few short years, Tbilisi is going to have a brand new international airport, as well as a super-modern stadium for and rugby.
We will build new infrastructure for the state university in Tbilisi where Georgian students can receive European standards of education in a best environment, and realize their interests. , founded by Mr. BidzinaIvanishvili, will also be expanded significantly. We are launching an infrastructure development program worth 2 billion dollars.
We have already begun the construction of Port and the expansion of International Airport.
Irakli Kobakhidze stated that the healthcare system would be further developed. The social protection package for the population would be expanded. Pensions will increase each year in our country.
According to him the above is the fastest way to bring prosperity to Georgia of European standards. It will not only bring Georgia to the European family but, most importantly, it will bring European prosperity to Georgia.
“The radical opposition promises us that the alternative to this is authoritarianism and , as well as stopping the economy. Saakashvili Gvaramia Khazaradze Gakharia are the alternative to our truly Georgian, truly European team. They are not only stateless people, but also foreign agents who are completely unsuitable for Georgian dignity and culture.
We must remind ourselves that the 26th of October election is a referendum. On both sides of the scale, we have war and peace. Immoral propaganda and traditional value, hatred and love. A dark past and a bright future .
On October 26, we all must stand together and say loudly to everyone that Georgia chooses peace and traditional values, and a bright future for our beautiful country. We will rebuild what was destroyed by hatred, enmity and violence with love. We will make Georgia whole and create a bright and independent future for Georgia with love,” Irakli Kobakhidze said.


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