Public Defender: Court Amaghlobeli’s Detention is Unjustified  


**Public Defender Challenges Detention of **

The Public Defender of has challenged the detention of Mzia Amaghlobeli, director of the Batumelebi/Netgazeti publication. In a submission to the Kutaisi Court of Appeal, the Public Defender argues that there is not enough evidence to justify keeping Amaghlobeli in custody.

**Insufficient Evidence**

The Public Defender says that the court failed to properly consider alternative measures to detention. They argue that pre-trial detention should only be used when there are specific threats and that abstract or potential risks do not justify such a severe restriction of .

**No Justification Detention**

The submission criticizes the prosecutor’ office for claiming that Amaghlobeli poses a risk of re-offending her previous release from administrative detention. The Public Defender points out that this argument was not properly assessed by the court, and that Amaghlobeli had not committed an administrative offense.

**Less Restrictive Alternatives**

The Public Defender also notes that the prosecution failed to justify why less restrictive alternatives, such as substantial bail, could not be applied. They hope that the Kutaisi Court of Appeal will take into account their submission and consider a proportionate and well-founded preventive measure against Amaghlobeli.

**Concerns Over ‘s Treatment of Media**

The case has sparked wider concerns over the Georgian government’s treatment of critical media. Many independent media outlets went on strike for three hours to what they see as increasing repressive actions against media representatives under government.

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