Putin signss law prohibiting the adoption of Russian children from citizens of countries that allow gender transition  


**Russia Bans Adoption by Countries with Gender Transition **

Vladimir has signed a new law that prevents Russian from being adopted by citizens of countries where gender transitioning is legal. This move affects at least 15 countries, including several in Europe and Australia.

The law is part of Russia’s push “traditional values”. It also prohibits promoting child-free lifestyles and fines people up to $50,000 for spreading such messages. Putin sees this as a way to protect Russia from Western ideologies that he believes are threatening the country.

This move comes at a time when Russia has been cracking down dissent and independent media. The war in Ukraine has led to increased restrictions on activists and . In November 2023, the Russian labeled the “international LGBT movement” as “extremist”, making it harder for LGBTQ+ activists to operate in Russia.

The new law is another example of Russia’s attempt to control what people can say and do. It shows that Putin’s government is committed to enforcing traditional values at all costs.

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