**Tensions Rise in Novi Sad School Yard**
A school yard in Novi Sad was the scene of two opposing gatherings on Monday. One group showed support for protesting teachers, while another pushed for students to return to school.
The first gathering, backed by parents and students, took place at 4 pm. However, a second group, which included some from the Serbian Progressive Party (SNS), arrived early and took over the school yard. These individuals refused to identify themselves as parents of children attending the school.
Police were present at the event, forming a barrier between the two groups. The opposing group declined to speak with N1‘s reporter, but it was mentioned that some among them were officials from the SNS and directors of public enterprises.
The rally in support of resuming classes ended at 5:30 pm, with no incidents reported. A parent who attended the earlier gathering expressed concerns about the presence of the opposing group, stating that they were not worried parents but rather a political gathering.
**No Incidents Reported**
The police unit and gendarmerie ensured security throughout the event. The parent from the first gathering warned weeks ago about certain individuals attending, labeling them as “a political gathering and a circus.”
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