Rasa Jukneviciene: It’s Important Not to Give Up  


This appears to be a transcript of an interview with a politician, likely Mikheil or another high-ranking . The conversation covers several topics, including:

1. Georgia’s battle in the West to convince leaders to take action against the Georgian government.
2. The ‘s efforts to push for against the Georgian Dream regime.
3. The importance of utilizing the Georgian diaspora to lobby EU parliamentarians and governments.
4. The need for leadership from big powers within the EU to address security challenges, including the Russian-Ukrainian war and the US’s isolationist stance under Donald .

Key points and quotes:

* “So this is the battle I mentioned, our battle in the West, to convince each other.”
* “This resolution was adopted by 400 members – a huge number of members voted in favour… We have many differences, but five major European political parties are in favor and those who are responsible for Georgia in these political groups are really fighters for Georgia.”
* “You have to use your whole diaspora. People living in different countries. They have to organize themselves to meet the parliamentarians in those countries, to elect some representatives, to push, to send letters, -mails, every single day if necessary, to fight for this together.”
* “Nobody from your embassies asks for meetings with us… Besides, you don’t have diplomats working there. It’s your specific situation.”
* “We desperately need leadership of big powers in the EU… So, this is our common approach to convince others that the European continent is not only the and it’s in our interest to lead, someone has to lead, to make Europe stronger.”
* “The enlargement of Europe, not leaving grey zones around us – that’s also a very important part of security. So these challenges are ahead of us, and you, Georgians, are part of this struggle, and that’s why I’m with you, because you’re fighting for our security too, not just for Georgia, like the Ukrainians are doing.”
* “We have to start delivering. It is time to deliver.”

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