Religious Leaders Stand with Georgian Citizens in Time of Need 


On March 2, the Cathedral of Peace received a letter from interfaith figures in the . The letter was written by Christian, Muslim, and Jewish clerics in response to the current political situation in . They expressed their support for the citizens and their solidarity with them.

The letter begins by referencing the words of Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. in 1963, when he wrote from jail about the importance of standing up against injustice. The interfaith figures write that they stand in solidarity with the in their struggle for justice and freedom.

They continue by emphasizing the importance of mutual respect and the sacred vision of doing justice and loving kindness for all humanity. They acknowledge that our humanity often fails to see the humanity of others and call for denouncing systems that oppress and marginalize people based on race, gender, economic, religious, political, and sexual identity.

The letter also calls for denouncing violence caused by systems of oppression and the silencing of voices and attacks on free speech. They urge and religious leaders worldwide to take a stand against these injustices.

In the same spirit, the interfaith figures call upon all citizens to demand justice and dignity for all people, regardless of their identity. They also call for just government, religious, and political systems that are protected from corrupt power and respect for diverse opinions and dialogue.

The letter ends with a message of hope, quoting the famous words of Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. that “the arc of the moral universe is long, but it bends towards justice.” They encourage the people of Georgia to stand boldly and courageously in their fight for , knowing that they are not alone and that one day, justice will prevail.

The source of this information is the Evangelical-Baptist Church of Georgia page, and the photo used is also from their page. The letter calls for solidarity and support for the people of Georgia in their fight for justice and freedom, and it urges government and religious leaders to denounce systems of oppression and violence. It also encourages citizens to demand just and fair systems and to stand up for their rights. 

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