**Czech Parliament Condemns Georgian Elections**
The Upper Chamber of Czechia’s Parliament has passed a resolution condemning the October 26 elections in Georgia. The resolution states that there were “widespread irregularities” in the elections, and calls for new parliamentary elections to be held under neutral supervision.
**Protests and Repression**
The Committee on Foreign Affairs, Defense and Security expressed concern over the treatment of protesters who took to the streets after the Georgian government announced it would halt EU accession talks. The resolution states that hundreds of detainees were tortured by police, and that there have been massive crackdowns on media, NGOs, and opposition politicians.
The resolution makes several recommendations, including:
* Demanding new parliamentary elections in Georgia
* Calling for the release of all “political prisoners”
* Investigating alleged legal violations by police, courts, and prosecutors
* Expanding individual sanctions on those involved in repression
* Adjusting development cooperation to prioritize aid to NGOs
**International Pressure**
The resolution instructs the President of the Czech Senate to inform EU leaders about the resolution. This move is seen as a sign that international pressure will continue to be applied on the Georgian government.
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