Russia launches counter-terrorist operations in Dagestan and kills four, according to authorities  


**Russian Kill 4 Militants in Dagestan**

March 5, Russian authorities carried out counter-terrorist operation in the republic of Dagestan. According to Russia’s National -Terrorism Committee, four militants were killed during the operation.

The committee claimed that the militants were planning to carry out a terrorist attack at a facility of the regional administration of the Russian Interior Ministry in the city of .

“There were no casualties among the civilian population or losses among enforcement personnel,” the committee said in a statement.

**Recent Attacks in Russia**

This operation comes after reports of an attack by unknown assailants against a police station in Makhachkala, the region’s . A counter-terrorist operation was announced at 0:25 a.m. time.

Russia’s Republic of Dagestan has seen numerous terrorist attacks and clashes with security forces over the past years. In June 2024, 17 police officers and five civilians were killed in an attack by Islamic radicals.

**Discoveries Made During Operation**

Following the operation, Russian authorities claimed that they had discovered grenade launchers, improvised explosive devices, grenades, machine guns, a pistol, and at the site of the skirmish and in a nearby cache.

The committee also stated that the gang’s activities were coordinated by of the Islamic State.

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