Saakashvili: Ivanishvili Plans to Recognize South Ossetia and Abkhazia, But We Have a Plan to Reclaim Abkhazia – Georgia Threatens Cold War with America. 


Mikheil Saakashvili, the former of , spoke out against the current ‘s plans to recognize and Abkhazia. He stated that their efforts will not be successful, as he has a plan to peacefully regain control over these territories.

During a trial on the 7 case, Saakashvili emphasized that Georgia had made a commitment in 2010 to never use force to restore its territorial integrity. He believes that this commitment should be upheld and that peaceful means should be used to regain control over Abkhazia.

Saakashvili also expressed concern about the current government’s actions towards the United States. He stated that by threatening to review relations with , Georgia is essentially declaring a “cold ” against them. He reminded the audience of the efforts that were made to establish strong relations with America and how Georgia was once seen as a beacon of democracy by the American President.

The former President also outlined his plan for the return of Abkhazia. He proposed building a port in Lazika, where hotels that were destroyed during the conflict would be rebuilt. This would provide jobs for people from Abkhazia and help to integrate them into . He also mentioned the “Batumization” of Sukhumi, which would involve developing the city and bringing it closer to the standards of Batumi, a popular tourist destination in Georgia. Saakashvili believes that by providing EU passports to Abkhazians, they can be brought back into the fold of Georgia.

In conclusion, Saakashvili criticized the current government’s actions and warned against recognizing South Ossetia and Abkhazia. He believes that his plan for peaceful reintegration is the best way forward and that any attempts to use force or incite riots will only lead to further conflict. He also accused the current government of preparing for the recognition of these territories, which he believes will not be successful. 

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