Salome Zurabishvili, after failing to impose their will in Ukraine should they prevail in Georgia? Should it win in Georgia after failing in Moldova? After its failure in Romania I hope to see it soon again, should it win Georgia?  


** President Warns of **

The President of Georgia, Salome Zurabishvili, has spoken out against Russia’s influence in the country. She told the European Parliament that if Georgia falls under Russian control, it would have significant implications regional security.

**A Strategic Foothold**

Zurabishvili said that Georgia is a key foothold for and the West in the region. Russia, she claimed, wants to undermine this position and regain its imperial past influence over the Caucasus. If successful, this could threaten security, connectivity with Central and Southern Asia, and even ‘s future as part of Europe.

**A Broader Global Struggle**

The President highlighted that Georgia is not just a local issue, but part of a broader global struggle between Russia and the West. She asked rhetorical questions about whether Russia should succeed in Georgia after failing to impose its will in , Moldova, and Romania.


Zurabishvili warned that Russia is using a new tactic – less costly intervention through proxies and democratic instruments like elections. This, she said, is designed to impose without military intervention.

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