Salome Zurabishvili : My heart hurts when I think of where we were compared to where we are now  


My heart hurts when I think of where we were and what we are doing today. We have work together with our friends to find the lost chance.
According to her the arrival of European country representatives is a sign of European support, and that Europe will not let Georgia go.
“I welcome the delegation of European Parliaments. They represent eight countries and are loyal friends of Georgia who have stood by Georgia’s state, state-building, and since the very first day. It was because of these friends that we were granted the status of candidate in December last year. The huge step that Georgia made in December was a sign of confidence. My heart hurts when I think of where we were and what we are now. We can gain from our friends and regain the lost opportunity. Their presence here today, as Georgia enters a deep in its politics, is a further sign of European support. Europe has not let us down, and still believes in Georgia, and the Europeanness, the Europeanness, of Georgians, which have been repeatedly expressed over the past 33 years. Every time the European principles and the hope for a were questioned, the population, the public, came out. We know people who have spent almost 30 years in the streets protesting the government’s departures from principles. Salome Zurabishvili said, “This is a country with a society that is European and democratic, but unfortunately, it does not have a . It has a one party government which has taken control of practically all the institutions in the country. And we got results during these elections.”


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