Salome Zurabishvili Salome Zurabishvili says: I can’t imagine an American administration accepting a partner who alternates between aligning itself with China, Iran or certain terrorist groups, and lacks any principles.  


**Georgia’s President Speaks Out on Relations**

The fifth president of Georgia, Salome Zurabishvili, spoke at the Atlantic . She said that policy towards her country has always been bipartisan. Recent sanctions are already having an effect, she noted.

These sanctions are part of the “MEGOBARI Act”, a law reintroduced by Congressman Wilson. This act shows both sides – the risks of isolation and the benefits of returning to a Euro-Atlantic path. Zurabishvili believes this is important ‘s future.

The president also emphasized the importance of non-recognition. She does not think that the US can accept a country without independent institutions, respect for its , or fair . A country that aligns with China, , or terrorist groups and lacks principles cannot be considered a partner, she said.

Zurabishvili hopes to meet soon with U.S. officials. She is scheduled to talk with and Jim Risch.

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