In an interview with “Ria Novost”, Sergey Lavrov, Russian Foreign Minister, said that the Russian side is prepared to continue the normalization process of bilateral relations with Georgia.
“The Georgian people made their own choice. We respect their choice. Lavrov said, “We are ready to continue normalizing bilateral relations.”
According to him the USA and European Union are trying to artificially present the current Georgian election process as a strategic decision between Russia and the Western world.
Lavrov said, “In reality, it’s about a choice of sovereign development based upon national interests or external control. It’s a choice between traditional values and neoliberal attitude imposed from outside.”
According to him the statements made by American analysts about Russia’s interference with the parliamentary elections of Georgia are lies.
“This is a clear lie.” Americans try to tell what they do. Lavrov said, “A hat visits a burglar.
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