Sergey Shamba says that if Georgia apologizes to Abkhazia, it will be a positive step towards reconciliation. The political status of Abkhazia has not been discussed.  


(the so-called Foreign Minister of occupied ) stated that Abkhazia will view ‘s apology for its actions as a positive step towards reconciliation. Shamba, according to reports in the Abkhazian press, made this comment at a meeting with co-chairmen from the Discussions.
Shamba stressed that in order to make any progress, it must abandon terms like “occupied territories,” according to him. These terms, he said, hinder the regulation and management of relations between both sides. He reiterated that Abkhazia’s political status is not negotiable or up for discussion.
During the meeting the Abkhazian also raised the issue of resuming IPRM meetings in . This process has been instrumental in addressing the security issues in the area.


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