Shalva Papuashvili: I believe that the 2020 scenario has been prepared and a false explanation is being created for non-recognition.  


Shalva Papuashvili said, “The recent actions of opposition, their media, and non-governmental organisations related to them confirm the idea that 2020 is being prepared, and a false pretense is being created for non-recognition of election results,” at a briefing at the office of “ Dream”, a member of Political Council of “Georgian Dream”, the Chairman of .
According to him the opposition has increased its provocations in recent months to provoke the “Georgian Dream’s” representatives to a response.
“As you may know, the OSCE/ODIHR interim regarding the parliamentary election scheduled for October 26, was published last Friday, October 11. The report confirmed what was already being seen by the public. The pre-election campaigns are taking place in a free, calm and competitive environment. The pre- is free of violence, bribery and the use administrative resources. Violations occur in isolated incidents. This was reflected by the OSCE/ODIHR Interim Report. The report may have sent a signal to the opposition, warning them that their plan to delegitimize election results was in jeopardy. The second day after publication of the report, an organized campaign by the media of the opposition parties and non-governmental organizations was launched. Its goal was to create a false perception of the pre-election climate for international observers through news noise. Let’s look at these facts:
First, creating an impression of the use administrative resources. The OSCE/ODIHR report makes no substantive remarks on this issue. On October 12, the day after the OSCE/ODIHR publication, a report was broadcast by “TV Pirveli”, a television station affiliated with the “Lelo”, in which, based on anonymous sources, it was claimed, without any evidence, that personal information or ID cards had been illegally collected. On October 14, the nongovernmental organization ““, which is a group of politically active nongovernmental organizations, held a press conference where they repeated these accusations without providing any evidence.
This issue was brought to the forefront in the media again on October 15th, but this time without any evidence. We remind the public of the fact that spreading fake news about ID cards has been a proven strategy for the opposition and non-governmental groups. We remind you that a week before the 2018 , the same nongovernmental organizations: ““, Fair Elections”, and “Young Lawyers Association”, tried to create a controversy that they seemed to have reliable information about the Ministry of Justice printing fake ID cards.
We recall Eka Gigauri’s scandalous statement: “Dream began printing fake ID cards, which were provided by the chief of the service agency.” The prosecutor’s offices began an investigation into the matter, but the representatives from this non-governmental organisation refused to testify or cooperate with the investigation. This scandal and lies ended at that point. We would also like to remind you that, on October 30, 2021 – the day of local elections – the opposition, including Tamar Kordzaia and Elene Khoshtaria, as well as other nongovernmental organizations, spread virally photos of ID cards and claimed they were fakes on social media. Later, it was confirmed that we were dealing in all cases with fake news. Spreading fake news about ID cards and personal data is a tried-and-tested method that the opposition and its nongovernmental organizations use to influence the votes of voters a few weeks before the elections and especially on election day.
Second, creating an impression of media harassment. The OSCE/ODIHR reports only mentions that the media are polarized. The report doesn’t mention any facts regarding media harassment. There is a similar feeling among the opposition and non-governmental organizations in this area that they must create panic about this issue. We have already seen a coordinated effort. The (which includes the same politically-active non-governmental organizations formerly known as My Choice) released a statement, on October 15, about the unprecedented challenges that independent media face before the parliamentary election. They name the reaction of both the (CRC) and the court in response to the non-posting by “National Movement”, Lelo and Akhali televisions of the election clip “Georgian Dream”. It is beyond seriousness that these authors cannot cite legal arguments to support the blocking of the election video by the party TVs. They rely on the opinions of the EU ambassador and European Parliamentarians.
It is important to note that it is infuriating that foreign-funded groups pose as local monitoring organisations, rather than mentioning the violation committed against “Georgian Dream”, which is that we have already blocked illegally more than 5 hours advertising time. They conceal the fact that they are creating an unequal election environment. This group of non-governmental organisations, however, demands that the election clips for the “For Georgia” Party be shown, as, according them, the research conducted by “Edison Research”, a company hired by internationally wanted Davit Kezerashvili has given this party a satisfactory rating. I would like to remind everyone that this is a study that no one, except for the “National Movement”, financed by Kezerashvili claims to trust.
The third circumstance is to create a perception of violence in the pre-election period.
The public is aware that the campaign for the upcoming elections takes place in a peaceful atmosphere. The interim report of the EU/ODIHR confirms this. Provocations from the opposition have increased in recent years to try to change the situation.
You can see that on October 15 Khatia dekanoidze, Gigi Ugulava, and other people damaged the “Georgian Dream”, election banner in Kutaisi. In recent days, the opposition has been more likely to damage “Georgian Dream’ posters. Emma Gogokhia of “Mtavari”, a journalist from the “Akhali”, attacked and verbally insulted the staff members of the “Georgian Dream”, event in Zugdidi on October 15. These actions are designed to provoke “Georgian Dream’s” representatives into retaliatory action in order to create a media atmosphere of tension in an otherwise calm election environment.
The actions of the opposition and their media, as well as their non-governmental organisations, confirm that a repeat scenario of 2020 is being planned and a false excuse for not recognising the election results are being prepared. I appeal in particular to the donors to these non-governmental organisations: their responsibility doesn’t end with the transfer money to the organization. It also includes responsibility for its integrity.
The experience of 2020 has shown us the dangers of a democratic process when false results are spread, first by the , then by non-governmental organizations. These false facts were based on false facts such as the announcement that the results would be delayed or the imbalance of 8 percent of precincts. “Irresponsible Game”, said Papuashvili.


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