Shalva Papuashvili says the presence of ambassadors in court hearings is only to intimidate and exert pressure on the Georgian judiciary  


Georgian Parliament Chairman Shalva has spoken out against the presence of ambassadors at court hearings Georgia. He believes this is an attempt exert pressure on the country’ judiciary and intimidate judges.

According to Papuashvili, embassy representatives have no business attending court proceedings unless they are there to offer support or advice. However, when they sit with judges who their government has sanctioned, it can be seen as a threat.

“This is not just a matter of disrespect ‘s sovereignty,” said Papuashvili. “It’s also a demonstration of how one country can pressure another to get the outcome they want.”

Papuashvili was also critical of comments made by the Belgian government, which called on the to respect freedom of assembly and expression. He pointed out that the same government had supported a European Parliament resolution calling the release of convicted criminals, including Saakashvili.

“There is no democracy without the rule of law,” said Papuashvili. “It seems that some countries don’ care about this in other nations, but want to impose their own views on others.”

Papuashvili’s comments suggest that he believes some are interfering in Georgia’s affairs and trying to undermine its judicial system.

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