**Russia’s Propaganda Secrets Revealed**
Russian propaganda has been a mystery to many, but it turns out that they are using the same tactics as magic tricks. By combining two different strategies, they can achieve what seems impossible – making the world believe that their attack on Ukraine is an act of self-defense.
**The Magic of Russia’s Propaganda**
In magic tricks, the goal is to make something seem impossible or unreal. Similarly, Russian propaganda uses a combination of tactics to make people believe in things that don‘t add up. They accuse others of doing what they are doing themselves, but in a more brutal and open way. This distracts people’s attention and makes them accept Russia’s claim that Ukraine is not a legitimate country.
**The List of “Enemy States”**
Russia has recently released a list of 48 foreign states and territories that are deemed to be promoting destructive neoliberal ideological attitudes, which contradict traditional Russian spiritual and moral values. These countries are now considered “enemy states”, simply because they don’t share Russia’s values. This list includes North Korea and Afghanistan, which shows how closely aligned Russia is with these countries.
**Nuclear Threats**
Russia has also been making nuclear threats, declaring that any attack on Russia by a non-nuclear state, supported by a nuclear-armed nation, would be considered a “joint attack”. They also reserve the right to use nuclear weapons in case of an attack on Belarus. This is a significant change from the Cold War era, where both sides avoided direct nuclear threats.
**The Catch**
In today’s world, crossing red lines happens regularly, and each side thinks they can do so without consequence. However, there is a real red line that is not publicly acknowledged, and the only way to learn where it is is to cross it. Russia has crossed this line by issuing nuclear threats, and our response should be that Russia itself has crossed the red line.
**The Three Strategies of Deception**
Russian state propaganda relies on three main strategies:
1. Accuse others of doing what you are doing yourself.
2. Accuse others of dangerously approaching a red line after you’ve blatantly crossed it.
3. Present a brutal war of conquest as a defense of spiritual values.
These tactics make rational peace negotiations nearly impossible, but there is still hope that the truth will be revealed and peace can be achieved.