Slovakia bans Georgian Legion Commander, linking him to an alleged coup plot  


**Slovakia Bars Head from Entering Country**

The head of the Legion, Mamulashvili, has been banned from entering Slovakia. He was accused by Slovak of being behind a coup plot and organizing protests in the country.

Mamulashvili founded the Georgian Legion to fight against Russian forces in Ukraine since 2014. However, Slovak Interior Minister Matúš Šutaj-Eštok said Mamulashvili is on a list of individuals barred from entering Slovakia due to his alleged involvement in a coup plot.

**Protests in Slovakia**

In , massive protests swept across cities in Slovakia, with around 100,000 people participating. The protesters chanted slogans like “Enough of Fico” and “We are Europe.” They were opposing the policies of Slovak Robert Fico, who has a pro-Russian stance.

Fico visited Moscow in and met with . This move was criticized by many, especially after Russia’ full-scale of Ukraine in 2022.

**Georgian Legion Denies Allegations**

The Georgian Legion dismissed the accusations as “absurd and groundless.” Mamulashvili said it was a deliberate attempt to discredit their unit, which has been fighting alongside Ukraine against Russian aggression since 2014.

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