Spokesperson Condemns Georgian Dream’s Controversial Legislation on “Family Values and Minors” 


The Union strongly condemns the hasty approval, in its second reading, of the legislative package on “family values and protection of minors” in Georgia. This package not only violates the fundamental rights of the Georgian people, but also risks further marginalizing and discriminating against certain segments of the population. The is deeply concerned that such important legislation, which has significant implications for Georgia’s into the EU, was passed without proper public consultations and a thorough assessment of its compliance with European and international . The protection and promotion of human rights is a key aspect of the enlargement process, which is regularly evaluated in the European Commission’s annual enlargement report. Therefore, the EU urges the Georgian authorities to completely reconsider this legislative package. The proposed measures, along with the restrictions on imposed by the on , will only strain the already fragile relationship between the EU and Georgia. It should be noted that Georgia’s accession process is currently at a standstill, and the EU calls on the authorities to reaffirm their commitment to the path of EU integration. The resumed discussions on this amendment package on Monday, which includes restrictions on media content for children and bans on promoting same-sex relationships, adoption by same-sex couples, and gender-affirming treatments. In order to pass these amendments, the will need to secure at least 113 out of 150 seats in the upcoming October 26 . The EU strongly urges the Georgian government to reconsider these discriminatory measures and to uphold the principles of equality and non-discrimination for all its citizens. 

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