Students ask parents to refrain from bringing their children to the March 15 protest  


Law Students Give Advice to Parents Before March 15 Protest in

Parents who plan to attend the protest March 15 in Belgrade are being asked not to bring their . Law students have posted a message on Instagram, urging parents to come to the gathering their children’ sake, but to leave them at home.

The law students are advising people not to bring children or pets to the protest because government have warned of potential incidents. They also want to make it clear that the march will be peaceful and -violent.

Students from all over have been marching towards Belgrade for several days, with a large protest planned for March 15 in the capital. The exact location, time, and program of the protest are still unknown.

The law students believe that is not the answer, especially when fighting for the . They invite everyone to join them at the peaceful rally on March 15.

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