Survey shows that one-fifth (25%) of Ukrainians would consider moving abroad if travel restrictions were lifted.  


**One-Fifth of Ukrainians Want Move Abroad**

recent survey has found that 21% of Ukrainians would like to move abroad if all travel restrictions were lifted. This is according to a study conducted by the Ilko Kucheriv Democratic Initiatives Foundation and the Razumkov Center.

The survey was carried out between and December 14, 2024, and involved face-to-face interviews with 1,518 respondents from Ukrainian-controlled territories. The results show that men and younger people are more likely to want to move abroad, with 25% of men and 33% of those under the age of 60 expressing this desire.

**Reasons for Wanting to Leave**

The main reasons given by respondents for wanting to leave Ukraine include:

* Lack of opportunities for (30.5%)
* Threat to life due to hostilities (29%)
* Insufficient social support from the state (29%)
* Desire to reunite with relatives (26%)
* Desire to take relatives who depend on the respondent away from the country (23%)

**Concerns About a Mass Exodus**

exodus of Ukraine’s working-age population would be certain to increase shortages and threaten to plunge the country deeper into demographic crisis. The has predicted that in the worst-case scenario, Ukraine’s population could shrink from 37.441 million in 2024 to just 15. million people by 2100.

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