Switzerland provides GCS-200 vehicles to Ukraine for demining efforts  


According the Ministry, the Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation has provided Ukraine with heavy GCS 200 -clearing trucks.
Switzerland is a leading humanitarian aid provider to Ukraine.
It has also provided technical assistance for mine and other explosive device clearance. It also supports safety programmes for Ukrainian civilians.
The equipment was presented to Ukraine during the Ukraine Mine Action held Lausanne, Switzerland on 17-18th October.
The Swiss will provide three demining vehicles to the State Service’ pyrotechnic unit throughout the year.
“Each machine provided to us by our partners increases the capacity of our humanitarian demining operations and increases the safety for sappers in the field.” Ihor Bezkorovayny, Deputy , said that he was grateful to Switzerland for its contribution to humanitarian demining. This included equipment as well as sharing expertise and supporting our joint projects.
The program includes three demining systems as well as a comprehensive training package and instructions.
The GCS-200, a heavy remotely operated vehicle, is designed to clear areas from -personnel mines and anti-tank ones. It can neutralize explosives at depths to 30 centimeters.
Its interchangeable modules allow for the safe removal of unexploded ordnance. Emergency Service pyrotechnics units currently have 12 GCS 200 heavy demining machines.


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