Syrians Vanish in Luhansk Oblast as Ukraine Claims Moscow Exploits Foreign Fighters as Cannon Fodder 


According to the Ukrainian (HUR), Russia is using deceptive tactics to recruit men from to fight in the ongoing in Ukraine. This is part of ‘s efforts to offset the heavy losses it has suffered during the invasion without having to fully mobilize its own citizens.

One of the key targets of this recruitment scheme is Syria, a country that has been ravaged by civil war and is largely controlled by Russia’s ally, Bashar al-Assad. HUR reports that Russia has established a partnership with travel companies to offer jobs as security guards in Russian oil regions to poor Syrians. However, these individuals are then lured with the promise of a higher salary to fight in the war against Ukraine. They are also promised Russian passports as an incentive.

Once recruited, these Syrian mercenaries are reportedly used as cannon fodder in mass infantry attacks and are denied evacuation when wounded. HUR shared the stories of two Syrian mercenaries, Mohammed Mansour and Wahid Mursal Al-Shibli, who were both deployed in Luhansk Oblast in Ukraine. Mansour was part of a squad of 14 other Syrians who were ordered to attack near in July. When they came under Ukrainian fire, Russia rejected their request for evacuation and ordered them to continue the attack. Mansour refused and fled the battlefield, while the rest of his unit is now considered missing.

Al-Shibli was also deployed in Luhansk Oblast as part of a seven-member squad. He was injured in battle and died because he was not evacuated. The Independent was unable to all of these claims.

Some countries have taken steps to prevent their citizens from being used as pawns in the Ukrainian war. India has reached a deal with Russia to discharge its nationals from the , while has stopped issuing work permits for Russia.

In conclusion, Russia’s recruitment of Syrian men to fight in the war in Ukraine is a concerning development. These individuals are being used as disposable soldiers and are not given proper care or protection. It is important for other countries to take measures to prevent their citizens from being exploited in this way. 

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