Tengiz S. Sharmanashvili : The opposition is instructed to see anything positive as negative, no matter what. Anyone who is against fighting drug trafficking is against Georgia’s future.  


**Strict Against Drugs Planned Georgia**

The government is planning make it harder people to sell drugs. If this passes, anyone who tries to sell drugs will face serious penalties.

** Criticized**

A member of the ruling , , said that opposition politicians are being told to criticize the new law. He claims they only want to follow instructions from outside forces and don’t care about Georgia’s future.

**New Laws Proposed**

The government has proposed changes to several laws, including the ones related to crime and traffic. If these changes pass, people who use drugs will face restrictions on their rights. For example, they might not be allowed to go to school or drive a car.

**What’s at Stake**

Tengiz Sharmanashvili said that anyone who is against fighting drug trafficking is against Georgia itself. He believes the country should unite to prevent the sale of drugs and protect its citizens.

Read More @ www..ge

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