Tepic: Internal Affairs Ministry acquires seven LRAD 450XL Devices  


** Get Powerful Sound Cannons**

A member of the , , said Wednesday that the ‘s Internal Affairs Ministry has bought seven powerful sound cannons called LRAD 450XL. These devices can be used intimidate people with loud sounds.

Tepic presented a document showing the ministry’s request for the purchase of sound cannons total. The cost was around $700,000. She said that the claimed these sound cannons only make siren-like sounds, but they can actually play any audio recording.

**What the Sound Cannons Can Do**

Tepic explained that the sound cannons can be used to play any noise, including airplane sounds or other loud noises. This is different from what the government has said in the past. The sound cannons were bought during the term of a previous minister, Aleksandar Vulin.

**The Government Responds**

The Serbian Internal Affairs Minister, Ivica Dacic, confirmed that the have sonic weapons, but they are not being used. He said they are stored away and have never been put into use. However, this contradicts what another government official had previously said about one of these sound cannons.

Read More @ n1info.rs

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