The 26th of October is a crucial moment, says the chairman of the Helsinki Commission  


In a video message to the Georgians, and Chairman of the , ( Party), said that was a momentous occasion for the extraordinary people in .
According to him the choice of Georgians is clear.
“October 26 is an important moment in the history of the extraordinary people from Georgia. The Georgians are clear. They want a government which respects their desire to have closer ties with dynamic European nations, the rule of Law, and accountability.
They reject the murderous attempts of criminal Putin to recreate the failed Soviet Union.
The future of Georgia is rooted in freedom and self determination, which are shared values. The EU and NATO promise a future of prosperity and security based on principles.
The friendship between Georgians and Americans is strong, and based on their shared commitment to freedom and democracy. In the spirit Megobari supports the Georgians for a better future.
Wilson said, “Thank you and may God bless for supporting the Georgians.


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