The Parliament is reviewing a package of legislation that proposes stricter liabilities for actions related to drugs including cannabis and marijuana  


Parliament Review Drug Policy Changes

March 14, the Parliamentary on Human Rights will examine new law proposal. The changes aim to make penalties for drug-related crimes stricter.

Eight laws will be affected, including those related to crime and administrative offenses. New articles will be added to the criminal code, defining drug-related offenses more clearly and increasing punishments.

The proposed law targets people who produce, manufacture, transport, or sell psychotropic substances, including cannabis and marijuana. It also applies to possession of small quantities without a doctor’s prescription.

Penalties include fines from 500 to 2,000 GEL () or up to 60 days administrative detention. Those convicted may lose their right to own firearms and have their driver’s license suspended for three years.

The proposed law also defines who can be considered a drug dealer’s member, relative, or associate, as well as what property will be classified as theirs.

Two , “” and “People’s Power,” initiated the proposal. The committee will review the changes on March 14.

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