The Public Defender has formed a group of medical doctors for Mzia Amaglobeli  


** Appoints Doctors Assess Journalist’s Health**

The Public Defender of , Levan Ioseliani, has set group of doctors to check the health condition of journalist Mzia Amaglobeli. She is currently on hunger strike.

A team of specialists will look at Mzia Amaglobeli’s medical records and write a report with recommendations for her care. The Public Defender will then use this information to decide what action to take next.

**The Doctors**

Mzia Amaglobeli’s representatives helped pick the doctors from a list of candidates. They have experience different areas, including:

* Endocrinology, nutrition, and healthcare (Elene Giorgadze)
* Gastroenterology, cardiology, and internal (Giorgi Gvilia)
* Ophthalmology (Giorgi Javrishvili)
* Neurology (Aleksandre Tsiskaridze)

**What’s Next**

The doctors will visit Mzia Amaglobeli soon and her medical records. They will then write a report with recommendations for her care. The Public Defender will use this information to decide what action to take next.

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