The second reading of the amendments to the Broadcasting Law is adopted by Parliament, imposing several restrictions on radio and television broadcasters  


Parliament Votes on Broadcasting

The Parliament has voted on changes to the Law on Broadcasting. The result is 83 in favor and 1 against.

New Rules Broadcasters

The new rules will restrict what television and stations can do. They will be expected to:

* Be fair and impartial when reporting news
* Show both sides of issue
* Warn people before recording them for a broadcast (unless it’s impossible)
* Choose phone calls fairly during live broadcasts
* Get permission from , hospitals, and police stations before filming there
* Not invite just one guest to talk about an issue, if they might be attacked

The same rules will also apply to what broadcasters post on social media.

Fines for -Compliance

If the Communications Regulatory finds a broadcaster has broken these rules, it will first warn them. If they don’t change, they’ll be fined.

The authors of this bill are from and parties.

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