The “Social Justice Center:” The common courts of Georgia refused to accept the European Court of Human Rights decision regarding Azerbaijani Journalist Afqan Sadik and kept him in extradition custody  


Georgia’s Courts Disobey European Decision

The Social Center in Georgia is unhappy with the ‘s common courts. They say that these courts have not followed a decision by the European Court of .

This decision was about Afqan Sadigov, a from Azerbaijan. The European court had said that Sadigov should be released and not sent back to his home country. But Georgia’s courts did not agree with this decision. They kept Sadigov in detention, waiting him to be extradited to Azerbaijan.

The Social Justice Center is concerned about the freedom of and citizens in general. They believe that people should be treated fairly by the , regardless of their nationality or profession. The situation with Afqan Sadigov has made them worried that this may not happen in Georgia.

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