**Belgrade Metro and Train Sign Documents with French Company**
The company in charge of Belgrade’s metro, Belgrade Metro and Train, signed two important documents on Friday. These documents confirm the good work they’ve been doing with a French company called RATP Dev.
The documents are an annex to a previous agreement and a contract for early operator assistance. This means that RATP Dev will help Belgrade Metro and Train run the metro system efficiently and in a way that’s good for the environment.
Important people from both companies signed the documents. From Belgrade, Andreja Mladenovic (the director of Belgrade Metro and Train) and Radovan Kremic (secretary for public transport) were there. From RATP Dev, Jean-Luc Chapoton and David Mainguet were present.
Andreja Mladenovic said that they will use RATP Dev’s experience to make sure the metro system in Belgrade is run well and is good for the city.
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