U.S. Rep. Joe Wilson says we must sanction Ivanishvili, his cronies and their supporters  


US Must Sanction Top Georgian Politician

The US must punish a powerful Georgian politician and his friends, said of South Carolina.

Wilson is the chairman of a committee that looks out human in Europe. He said that Bidzina , a billionaire who supports Georgia’s ruling , should be sanctioned along with his close associates.

Ivanishvili is accused of working against the interests of the Georgian people and denying them their -rule. Wilson said this was unacceptable and called for Ivanishvili and his friends to be punished.

Wilson pointed out that a US document from 2020 already called for sanctions against Ivanishvili. He also introduced a law that would punish Georgian who try to undermine democracy in the country.

The situation in Georgia is tense, with the ruling party halting the country’s efforts to join the European Union. Wilson has shown his support for the Georgian people and their fight against the ruling party.

He said that the ruling party’s actions are “de facto” and “illegitimate”, pointing out that a recent was unfair and that the parliament was convened without opposition input or approval from the president.

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