Ukraine presents financial control plans to EU Commission in advance of EU accession talks  


As part of its official screening process, the Ukrainian Commission has presented its plans to implement state financial control policies. This is a significant step for the country’s ongoing efforts to align itself with EU standards despite the ongoing conflict.
According to the Ministry of Ukraine, Ukraine has submitted a plan to implement state policy in financial controls to the Commission. This is part of the official screening to ensure that its is aligned with the requirements for membership in the EU.
Just five days after ‘s invasion of Ukraine, Ukraine applied for EU membership on 28 February 2022.
On 25 2024 all 27 members of the Council of the approved the framework needed to begin negotiations with Ukraine or Moldova about joining the EU.
On 8 October, the Ukrainian continued negotiations in Brussels about aligning its reforms with EU standards.
The Ukrainian delegation led by Deputy Premier Olha Stefanishyna presented plans to develop Ukraine’s internal financial control policy, external audit and protection of EU economic interests.
“As no public administration system is the same, our financial management system also has unique characteristics, historically shaped and tailored to our needs.
Denys Uliutin is the First Deputy Finance Minister. “Our main task now, is to further align with EU standards. We must ensure synergy among different types of controls and coverage of the entire public sector.”
On 8 October, representatives from Ukraine and the met at the European Commission in Brussels to screen the chapter “Economic Criteria,” part of the first Cluster “Fundamentals for the EU Accession Process.”
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