Ukraine Reforms Weekly — Issue 5  


**Ukraine Reforms Tracker: Issue 5**

This week’s newsletter highlights key events in Ukraine’s related to business, economics, and international financial programs.

**Tax Approves Bills Extending Tax Benefits**

The Committee , Tax, and Customs Policy has recommended the adoption of two draft laws that exempt certain imports and operations from taxes and customs duties. The proposed laws aim to:

* Exempt components imported the production of ammunition and shells, as well as components for drones
* Extend tax benefits for the import of unmanned aerial vehicles, night vision devices, and -drone rifles
* Introduce personal income tax exemptions for funds raised by volunteers for charitable foundations

The Verkhovna Rada is scheduled to review these draft laws during its sessions on Dec. 17-20.

**Parliament to Consider Draft Law on High Administrative Court**

This week, the Verkhovna Rada is expected to discuss a draft law establishing a new High Administrative Court. However, the updated draft text has not yet been submitted to parliament. The deadline for this step is the end of December, as stipulated in the Memorandum.

**Benchmark at Risk: Canceling ‘Lozovyy Amendments’**

Ukraine faces a risk of missing the deadline to fulfill an IMF requirement related to amending the Criminal Procedure Code. The amendments aim to enable the Specialized Anticorruption Prosecutor’s to manage extradition and mutual legal assistance requests, as well as rationalize consequences from expiration of time limits for pre- investigations.

**Other Key Economic Issues**

* **Pension Reform Draft Law**: The Social Policy has unveiled a draft law on pension reform, which includes updating the solidarity-based pension system by introducing a basic pension level and simplifying the calculation of current pensions.
* **High Administrative Court Draft Law**: The Verkhovna Rada is expected to discuss a draft law establishing a new High Administrative Court. However, the updated draft text has not yet been submitted to parliament.

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