Ukraine Reforms Weekly — Issue 6  


**Ukraine’s Takes Steps Towards Reform**

The Ukrainian parliament, , has made several moves to implement reforms and meet international commitments. Here are some key developments:

**Public Fund Established**

A draft aimed at creating a unified public investment fund was approved in its first . The fund will consolidate funds from multiple programs, including infrastructure, environmental management, and energy efficiency. This move is aligned with an structural benchmark.

**Deadline Missed Structural Benchmark**

However, Ukraine’s parliament missed the deadline to meet another structural benchmark related to law enforcement reform. The deadline was set for December 31, 2024, but no additional parliamentary sessions were this year.

**Concerns Over International Expert Involvement**

A group of 56 lawmakers submitted a constitutional appeal challenging the involvement of international experts in selecting officials for key bodies. If upheld, this could disrupt Ukraine’s reform efforts and jeopardize its commitments to international partners.

**Tax and Customs Exemptions Extended**

The parliament extended tax and customs exemptions for several industries, including ammunition and drones production components, unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs), night vision devices, and anti-drone rifles.

**Obligations to the EU Met**

The parliament passed a draft law amending the National Program for the of Ukraine’s Mineral Resource Base through 2030. This meets one requirement set in the Ukraine Plan under the EU’s financial support mechanism.

These developments are part of Yaroslav Zhelezniak’s “Ukraine Reforms Tracker” newsletter, which highlights steps taken by the Ukrainian parliament related to business, economics, and international financial programs.

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