Ukrainian Elite Brigade Outsmarts Russian Attack in Frontline Report 


Today, there have been numerous updates from the in Oblast. The Russian assaults in this area have intensified, posing a threat to the line. In response, the command made a bold move by deploying the elite Third Assault Brigade. This counterattack aims to stabilize the defense line against a larger Russian force.

The Russian objective in this part of the front is to gain control over the remaining areas of Luhansk region and use their bridgeheads near to attacks on the northern Donetsk region. The continuous attacks and heavy concentration of have put a strain on the Ukrainian defense efforts.

To counter this, the Ukrainian command initiated a series of counterattacks using the Third Assault Brigade of Makiivka. This strategy aims to cut off one of the key Russian supply routes to the town. By doing so, the were forced to shift their focus from consolidating their bridgehead at Makiivka, giving the Ukrainian forces time to fortify their defenses.

The Third Assault Brigade is one of the most elite units of the Ukrainian army. It was strategically designed to be highly mobile, well-equipped, and extensively trained for both offensive and defensive operations.

The Ukrainian operation began with the use of thermite flamethrower drones to burn down tree lines surrounding Russian dugouts and trenches. This improved visibility for operators of standard FPV drones, making it easier to detect larger groups of Russian . Even when the drones missed their target and hit nearby trees or branches, the resulting shrapnel still caused damage to Russian forces.

The drones also provided information about Russian positions to Ukrainian artillery and mortar operators. The Third Assault Brigade’s artillery groups are equipped with modern British AS-Ninety self-propelled artillery, which proved to be accurate in destroying Russian troops even while they were on the move.

After weakening Russian positions with heavy artillery and drone strikes, the Third Assault Brigade launched ground assaults. T-Sixty-Four-BV tanks were used to target areas that were not fully neutralized by artillery and drones. Once their objectives were achieved, the tanks deployed smoke grenades to cover their retreat and withdrew from the battlefield.

With most of the Russian defenses destroyed, Ukrainian stormtroopers were deployed to engage in close combat. This combination of tactics proved to be successful in pushing back the Russian forces and stabilizing the defense line. The Third Assault Brigade’s bravery and strategic planning played a crucial role in this operation. 

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