University of Cambridge seeks a four-month protest injunction  


**University Seeks Block Protests on Campus**

The is asking a to stop protests about and Palestine for four months. The university wants a High Court order to block demonstrations on parts of its campus.

Last year, protesters showed up at Senate House Yard and during a graduation ceremony. This the ceremony move to a different location. Now, the university says it’s worried that another protest could happen soon.

**Protests Moved Due to Last Year’s Demonstrations**

The university is seeking injunction against “persons unknown”, meaning they ‘t know who will be the next group of protesters. They say it’s not about stopping people from having certain views, but rather about preventing disruptions on campus.

However, a lawyer for a group called ELSC (European Legal Support Center) says that if the university gets this injunction, it would be an unfair restriction on human . The lawyer also points out that the university is only trying to stop protests about Israel and Palestine, while allowing other types of demonstrations to happen.

**Court Hearing Expected to Conclude This Week**

A High Court judge heard both sides of the argument yesterday. A decision is expected this week. The university says it wants to balance everyone’s rights and keep the campus safe for all students. But ELSC argues that an injunction would be unfair and wouldn’t solve any problems.

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