Updates on the Russia-Ukraine war as of October 8, 2020  


The latest updates on the Russia-Ukraine war from the General Staff of Ukraine, as of October 8, 2020.
The 958th day of the large-scale and the 3,871st day of Russia’s war against Ukraine begin.
Operational Information as of 8 am, October 8, in regards to the Russian invasion.
The nine hundred fifty-eighth of the Russian Federation’s large-scale armed attack against Ukraine has started.

172 combats were recorded on the front line during the last 24 hours. The most intense fighting continues to take place in the Kurakhivsky and Pokrovsky directions.

Yesterday, the Russian aggressor launched four missile attacks (seven missiles), 72 aerial strikes (including 122 air defence systems) and 1,508 attacks on our positions and populated area. In total, he carried out 4,420 strikes on our positions and populated area.

Airstrikes by the enemy have hit the areas of settlements such as Yablunivka (Katerynivka), Obody (Zolochiv), Kupyansk (Tverdohlibove), Petrivka (Nikorivka), Sloviansk (“”), Oleksandropil (“Kalasivka”), Tarasivka (“Kalinove”), Mala Tokmachka “Orihiv”

Yesterday, the ‘ artillery and aviation forces destroyed the Osa system and destroyed three vehicles, six areas of concentration, and enemy personnel and equipment.

Six combat clashes were fought in the Kharkiv-direction. Fighting occurred in the settlements of Staritsa, Vovchansk.

The enemy attacked our positions 25 times in the direction of Kupyansk. The main invasion efforts were concentrated in the areas of Sinkivka and Novoselivka.

In the Lyman Direction, our troops repulsed 20 attacks by the occupants near Makiivka and Grekivka. They also repelled attacks in the Serebryansk Forest, Novosadovo and Torsky.

Our soldiers in the Donetsk area stopped four attempts of the enemy to breach our defenses.

With the help of aircraft, the enemy launched 12 attacks in the direction of Toretsk near the settlements Toretsk Dilyivka, and Nelipivka.

In the direction of Pokrovsky, our defenders repulsed 26 assaults and offensive actions. The enemy concentrated most of its efforts around Lysivka, Selidovoy and Krutoy Yar. The occupying forces were also stopped from advancing near Novotoretsk and Kalinovoy in the .

The Defense Forces continue to hold the enemy back in the Kurakhiv directions, in the areas of Tsukuryny and Zhelany Drugy settlements, Hirnyk Novoselidivka Gostroy Georgiyivka and Katerynivka where the enemy attempted to break through our defenses 37 times.

The aggressor launched three attacks on our positions in direction of Bogoyavlenka (Donetsk region) in the direction Vremivsk.

The defenders of Ukrainian land near Robotyne, in the direction of Orihiv, repelled two unsuccessful attacks on Ukrainian units.

Our defenders stopped seven attempts of the occupiers in the direction of the Dnieper to advance on the line held by Ukrainian troops.

There were no significant changes in the directions of Gulyaipole or Siversky. The enemy uses aircraft to attack civilian infrastructure and our troops’ positions.

The operational situation in the Poliske and Volyn directions has not changed much. There was no sign of invasion groups forming.

The enemy maintains a presence on the border with Chernihiv, and the Russian Federation. They shell populated areas, conduct sabotage, and carry out reconnaissance.

The operation in the Kursk area continues. According to data available, the Russian occupiers conducted 17 airstrikes in the , using 24 antiaircraft missiles.

Our soldiers cause significant losses in equipment and manpower to the occupying force, exhausting the enemy along its entire line of battle as well as in the rear.

So, the Russian invasion suffered a total loss of 1,340 soldiers on the last day. Our soldiers also destroyed 7 tanks, 30 armored fighting vehicles, 47 artillery system, an air defence vehicle, 43 operational-tactical unmanned aerial vehicles, 3 missiles and 83 vehicles.
Estimated total combat losses of the enemy between 24.02.22 and 08.10.24
Personnel – approximately 662970 (++1340) people
Tanks – 8940 (+7)
Troop-carrying AFVs (17740 + 30)
Artillery systems – 19203 (+47).
MLRS – 1223 (+0).
anti-aircraft systems – 973 (+1)
aircraft – 368 (+0)
helicopters… pic..com/5Biy6Kl9T1– Ukraine Front Line (@EuromaidanPR) October 8, 2024
Tags: russian war, ukraine War


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