Ursula von der Leyen, President of the EU Commission: Putin is responsible for war; Ukraine does not fight for its freedom  


In a recent statement, European Commission Ursula von der Leyen has condemned attempts to blame in the that was started by Russia.
According to Ukrinform, it is unacceptable to blame Ukrainians for the war that was started by Russia. The reason for this criminal aggression is the personal desire for power of Russian President Putin.
The official stressed that the people of Ukraine fight for freedom just like the heroes liberating Central and Eastern Europe.
“The entire world has seen the atrocities committed in this . Yet, there are those who still blame the invaders and not the aggressor. Not Putin’s thirst for power but Ukraine’s desire for freedom. So, I’d like to ask them: Would they blame the Hungarians in 1956 for the Soviet invasion? Could they blame the Czechs or Slovaks in any way for the Soviet repression of 1968? Could they blame Lithuanians for the Soviet attack in 1991? “We, Europeans, have different histories and language, but there is no single European language where is synonymous to capitulation or where sovereignty is synonymous to occupation,” said Ursula von der Leyen.
She added that Ukraine is currently entering its third winter of war, and Russia will do everything possible to make this winter as difficult as any other.
Just last month, Russia launched more than 1,300 drones at cities. Throughout the summer, hundreds rockets were launched at Ukraine’s energy infrastructure. Numerous Ukrainians were killed or injured. Families were torn apart and destroyed.
“There is only a single way to achieve a just and lasting peace for Ukraine, and for Europe. We must continue to support the Ukrainian resistance through political, financial and military means. “We will make Russia pay for its damage,” said the European Commission president.
The official stated that the EU would continue to stand with Ukraine in its struggle for freedom, this winter and beyond.
Please read:
* Russia attacks Ukraine overnight, injuring 5 in
* Russian airstrike kills 77 year old resident, injures elderly residents
Update: 2 elderly civilians killed by a Russian airstrike near the lake in Kharkiv


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